Highs and lows...

My message for Kimi Räikkönen...Maybe you may read this!!! hehehehe

It´s hard like it never was before, but you will always be the best for me!!! Anything in your life was easy, neither in mine, but together we´ll find the way back to victory, to peace.
I never doubt that you have the strenght, the talent, the gift, is just a bad time that will pass. I'm pretty sure of that.

It´s just a championship that is behind now, not what you´re made of. It does not matter what people think about you, it´s not anybody´s business if you don´t laugh just to please them, or if you do not celebrate your victories in a happier way. You're like that and we, as your fans we'll always be around you no matter what happens, through the highs and lows, crying or laughing, winning or losing, always fighting, defending you as we can and as long as we can.

Me and my finnish flag behind Mark's head, Interlagos 2007.

I said here once that our loyalty you will always have, and this is a promise from us to you. As my dear friend Evenstar Saima use to say: Keep Flying Kimi!!!! Because we, our loyal fans, we'll be the wind beneath your wings!!!

By Ludy Coimbra, just a fan


Anônimo disse…
Belo texto Ludy! Parabéns!

É isso aí apoiar o Raikkonen ate o fim sem limites...
Kimi igualou seu recorde de melhores voltas em uma temporada:

Schumacher 10 - 2004
Raikkonen 10 - 2005
Raikkonen 10 - 2008

Espero que consiga a de numero 11 ja na próxima corrida e com uma dobradinha, so isso para acalmar as coisas na Ferrari!
Unknown disse…
Ludy muito lindo seu texto, principalmente o finalzinho...

ee já to eu aqui chorando de novo

Anônimo disse…
Parabéns pelo texto Ludy, eu simplesmente assino embaixo!!!
Marcelo, Gleissiéli e Ana que bom que gostaram do texto. Era o que estava sentindo na hora e acabei escrevendo!!! hehehehe

bjs para vcs!!!

Anônimo disse…
Awwww, so sweet :)

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